The person I chose to write about is my Dad, Lance DeLaRonde. He has instilled in me the value of education. This educational journey I chose to pursue has given me so much. My Parents’ have given me the support and tools to be successful in life. See I grew up off reserve. I grew up in a small pale conservative town. A majority of my Indigenous peers didn’t graduate alongside me, for that I was referred to as an “Apple” a redskin on the outside, and white on the inside. Why you ask, because I was able to compete in sports, keep up with my studies, and able to easily communicate and build relationships with non-Indigenous people. When cellphones were overtaking, I had to pick up a part time job to pay for it. My Parents’ had been raised off reserves, and so they raised us off reserve. They worked extremely hard to provide my Brother and I with as many opportunities as they could. They planned for us to pursue post-secondary education. In 1998, my Father suffered from a massive heart attack and was laid off from his job of 25 years. During his recovery he was put on medication that triggered his body to react and bring on Rheumatoid Arthritis. It was so severe I remember helping him to put his socks on in the mornings. Every movement for my Dad is painful. It was a time where his doctor suggested that he apply for disability status. He knew then that he would not be able to support his family working in industrial settings as he had my entire life to that point. My Dad was a person who did not complete high school, he was entering a competitive market. It was in his decision to pursue a higher education that I saw how strong my Father really is. As he was suffering, he was able to complete his grade 12 and move on to acquiring a certificate in Land Resource Management. Through his journey I witnessed his dedication to the value he has in education. His perseverance and hard work allowed me to realize why he valued education so much. I want to be someone my Father is proud of. He has given me so much in this life. If it wasn’t for him I don’t know if I would have pursued university. The education journey I am on is something I would not trade for anything. Had it not been for this journey my mind may not be as open as it is today. It has challenged me in a way to want to achieve more and share my knowledge. I hope to do this by being able to work in a way to create opportunities and supplement growth of individuals. The support and encouragement I’ve received from my Parents in continuing my education will always be valued in everything I pursue.